Category: Health

bipolar disorder probiotics

Probiotics Improve Bipolar Disorder

Researchers have found that certain species of probiotics can significantly help people who suffer from bipolar disorder. Find out which probiotic species help balance the mind.

word finding difficulty

Word Finding Difficulty Improved with Exercise

Word finding difficulty – also called tip-of-the-tongue word loss – is a common complaint as we get older. Is this related to dementia or cognitive loss? Scientists have answered this and have found useful natural therapies, including aerobic exercise.

glyphosate exposure

RoundUp Glyphosate Found in Popular Food Brands

RoundUp herbicide chemical glyphosate has been found at significant levels in a number of popular food brands according to scientific tests. What does this chemical do and how can we avoid exposing our family to this toxin?

yogurt reduces inflammation

Yogurt with Meals Reduces Inflammation

Consuming yogurt with or before meals has been suggested by Ayurveda practitioners for thousands of years. Scientists are now proving that eating yogurt before eating reduces inflammation, aids metabolism and improves digestion.

gum disease and cognition

Dementia Linked to Gum Disease

Gum disease such as gingivitis and oral health in general has been connected to dementia and cognitive decline according to multiple studies. Find out why gum disease is so bad for the brain.